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10 Honest Takes on Software Development

I have been working in tech industry as a Software Developer for more than a decade now. Let me share with you my 10 honest takes on the job and the industry:

Technical Knowledge + Communication Skills will take you further in your career

Filipino software devs tend to underestimate the power of effective english communication skills. The reality is that as you go along in your career, you will find that good communication skills open a whole lot of opportunities. Being able to negotiate and leverage with your clients and better understanding between yourself and team members are just a few. And it is also a good way to prevent career stagnation.

Having co-workers is really important

Software Developers are notorious for being lone wolves. However, if you want to grow your career as fast as you can, it is important that you work with people that you can give and receive feedback from.

Technical choices doesn't mean you're better than anyone

Software Developers are problem solvers and we approach solutions in ways that we think we would be most efficient for us. But choosing a certain framework or tool does not, in anyway, make you better than anyone.

Master the basics

Anyone can start their Software Development career wherever they want. But if you find yourself getting stuck a lot, then maybe its time to revisit your fundamentals. Build your career on solid and strong foundations.

Be prepared to unlearn, learn and re-learn

Technology is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. A tool that you like using at the moment might become obsolete come next month. Your adaptability to the changes will most of the time drive your technical proficiency as a Software Developer.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes

Everyone at some point will make mistakes. Mistakes are essential for growth. Recognize your mistakes, apologize to those who were affected, learn, and do your best to not make the same mistake twice.

Burnout is real

Software Development is mentally demanding. Constant stream of new information and the pressure of staying current can be quite taxing. Make sure you are giving yourself adequate breaks. And know that it is okay to ask for help.

Seniority is not all about being the best coder

Technical proficiency is just one part of being a Senior Software Developer. It's also all about experience, impact and soft skills.

Share your knowledge

One of the best ways to make a quick and effective impact is to share your knowledge. Be a mentor, create a software package or library, and make content that others can consume are just a few ways on how you can impart to others what you know.

Remember that there are humans behind computers

Software Development is not just about technical skills. It's also about making connections and fostering relationships. Computer programs are developed by humans like you, it's humans that will use them too.

Marvin Quezon

Full Stack Web Developer
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